Apple acquires yet another mapping services startup

18 May 2015

Apple is said to be looking to improve its location software with the acquisition of Coherent Navigation, a startup developing a "high-precision navigation service" using GPS technology.

The 2008-founded company had been developing commercial navigation services, based on partnerships with companies such as Boeing and Iridium, to offer navigations systems superior to consumer-grade navigation systems.

According to The New York Times, the company had "worked on autonomous navigation and robotics projects, according to previous company job listings, as well as projects for the Defense Department."

Apple had made a number of acquisitions in recent years as it attempted to cut dependence on competitor Google's mapping services.

Responding to the rumours regarding the acquisition on Sunday, Apple said, "Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans."

No details regarding the acquisition have been made.

The deal also had Coherent Navigation shifting to Cupertino, according to LinkedIn-followers at Macrumours.

CEO Paul Lego, along with the co-founders William Bencze and Brett Ledvina, were now displaying their employment with Apple on the professional social network.

Meanwhile, according to The Verge, the iPhone maker had confirmed the deal, even as it refused to divulge more details about the purpose or its future plans.

The mapping firm adds to the long list of mapping and navigation startups acquired by Apple, including Locationary, Embark, Hop Stop, WifiSLAM, and BroadMap.