Bata India to diversify into clothing

15 Oct 2007

Hyderabad: Bata India is reportedly implementing a new strategy that will see it move into a new line of clothing, as well as see the conversion of a majority of its showrooms into the more popular big format outlets.

As part of the strategy, Bata will add around 70 stores a year in the coming few years, beefing up its network of 1,200 outlets across the country.

According to Marcelo Villagran, managing director of Bata India, the company would launch its clothing collection by the end of 2008, and will add to the existing product line through "Bata branded" belts and handbags.

Bata India has also reportedly decided to enhance the size of its showrooms significantly, except for those that face space constraints. The company has inaugurated 12 such showrooms already, including a 10,000 sq ft multi-storey megastore at Vadodara.

According to Villagran, Bata''s recipe for getting back in the black includes the new collection, a new positive attitude and many new stores, with an increasing focus on the ballooning Indian middle class.