Deming medal for Lucas TVS and SRF

By Our Corporate Bureau | 11 Oct 2004

Chennai: For fourth year in succession a TVS group outfit figures in the Deming prize list. This year it is the turn of auto electrical company Lucas TVS Limited to get the prestigious medal awarded for quality by the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).

Lucas TVS is the largest manufacturer of auto electricals in India catering to all vehicle segments.

The company launched the total quality management (TQM) movement in 1998 and since then it has progressively improved the production process and the product quality. The process has finally culminated to winning the Deming medal. The company has manufacturing facilities in Chennai, Pondicherry and Rewari in Haryana.

Starting 1998, the TVS group company figures in the Deming medal list. The first to win was the brakes division of Sundaram Clayton Limited. In 2001 it was the turn of Sundaram Brake Linings Limited to win the medal (See: Race for quality knows no finishing line). It was also the first friction material-brake linings and clutch facings- company in the world to win the Deming medal.

In 2002 TVS Motors Limited won the medal and the next year it was the turn of Brakes India Limited's foundry division to bag the award. (See: No stopping) As such the TVS group can boast of having five Deming medal winners.

The other Indian company to win the medal this year is the SRF Limited manufacturing industrial synthetics.

Last year it was a rich haul of Deming medals for India. Five out of eight medal winners were Indian companies. (See: Boom-time bonanza)