Dishnet to use Cisco routers

By Our Convergence Bureau | 12 Nov 2003

Chennai: Dishnet DSL, a city-based national Internet service provider (ISP), has decided to use Cisco Systems'' networking equipment to increase its bandwidth capacity to 622 Mbps. This follows a decision to offer videoconferencing and other services to customers in India and other Asian countries at lower rates.

Dishnet will deploy Cisco 12000 Series routers to manage the traffic between four STM-1 links from Network i2i (a joint venture between Singtel, Singapore, and Bharti i2i) and in-country bandwidth from Bharti Telecom.

Says Dishnet CEO V Srinivasan: "The company is in the process of enhancing its network and extending its reach to provide higher-speed Internet access to customers. As part of this expansion, we were looking for a solution that will not only protect our existing technology investment, but also facilitate video and voice traffic."