Tata Honeywell offers packaged home security

01 Jul 2000

Tata Honeywell Ltd., hitherto an automation and controls solutions provider for industrial and large commercial applications, has announced its entry into the household segment and smaller segment with electronic security solutions for homes and commercial establishments.

The suite of solutions includes sensors, detectors and control panels that protect homes and establishments from gas leaks, fire, theft and intrusion and helps raise an alarm in case of illness, distress and the like.

Unlike run-of-the-mill security products, Tata Honeywell products come with service attached: alert mechanisms and assurance of security assistance for comprehensive security.

To ensure this, the company has signed a memorandum of understanding with Group 4 Securitas (a global leader in security systems) to establish a 50:50 joint venture. This joint venture will set up a central monitoring and response service (CMS) to back the electronic security systems. CMS centres are to be strategically located and will extend immediate calls or alert  (to members of the family, friends, neighbours, police, fire brigade, hospitals, etc) in the case of distress, as well as provide timely physical protection. This CMS service is to be established in six major cities initially and at all major cities within the next two years.

Tata Honeywell expects to add Rs 12 crore to its turnover through its electronic security solutions within one year. According to the company the latent market size in this category is of the size of Rs 100 crore. It proposes to market its products through "channel partners", people already selling building control and security products, or those who are in direct marketing.

Tata Honeywell has been primarily into automation and control of industries, particularly hydrocarbon process,  refineries, chemicals and fertilisers, steel, mining, metals and minerals, power, oil and gas and more recently, pulp and paper.

It entered the building control industry a few years ago, with solutions for heating, ventilating and air conditioning commercial buildings and industrial plants. The electronic security solutions now being introduced come as an extension of the building control business.

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