Thomas Cook launches road show

20 Jan 2009

Thomas Cook (India) Ltd has announced the launch of a tourism road show, Holiday Carnival in Cochin to showcase popular tourist destinations both in India and abroad to bolster its image as a seasoned tourism industry service provider.

The event is part of the 30-city road show organised by TCI and the partners in the road show, including airlines, state tourism boards and tourism boards from foreign countries, cruise and rail companies, would have their enclosures where potential tourists could seek information relating to their visits.

 "In the past two years, the number of Indians taking to leisure travel has been on the rise and travelling within India today is an idea whose time has truly arrived internationally and domestically," says Nalini Gupta, president and head marketing, Thomas Cook India. "We repackaged our strategy resulting in exciting domestic tours across India."

Thomas Cook says the road show is a window for the customers to understand the various products that come packaged with the offers that it provides. It will also be a single window for travellers to avail of these options and make instant bookings. The organisers would offer early bird freebies to customers registering with them.

It says its tours are packaged keeping the profile and the current market trends in mind.

Rakshit Desai, executive director, Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. said "As a customer-facing entity, we are capitalising on our massive presence across the country to provide end-to-end travel solutions for various segments. Right now, we have focused and channelised all our resources in trying to bring to the table a wide spread of travel options that are true value for money and unparalleled in the Industry in quality."

He added that the carnival provided an opportunity for direct interface with potential customers who could learn about various packages and emerging destinations.

The road show is travelling to Chennai next and later to key destinations such as Hyderabad, Goa, Madurai, Vishakapatnam, Bangalore, Jallandhar and various others.

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