Consumer price inflation eases, but remains in double digit

12 Apr 2013

Consumer price inflation based on the provisional estimates of the all-India consumer price index (combined) eased slightly to 10.39 per cent in March 2013 from 10.91 per cent in the previous month.

Retail inflation has come down for the first time after continued rise for the past five months (although still in double-digits) amidst a steady but slow rise in the prices of vegetables, edible oil, cereals and protein-based foods.

However, consumer price inflation continued to remain in double digits for a fourth consecutive month in February 2013.

The corresponding provisional inflation rates for rural and urban areas for March 2013 are 10.33 per cent and 10.38 per cent, respectively.

Inflation rates (final) for rural and urban areas for February 2013 are 11.01 per cent and 10.84 per cent, respectively.

The all-India consumer price index (general) stood at 127.5 while the CPI numbers for rural and urban areas stood at 128.2 and 126.5, respectively, in February 2013.

Along with provisional indices for March 2013, the Central Statistics office (CSO) also released revised (final) indices for February 2013.