Consumer price inflation for industrial workers climbs to 7.57 per cent in February

30 Mar 2012

Consumer price inflation based on the all-India consumer price index for industrial workers (CPI-IW) rose to 7.57 per cent in February 2012 from 5.32 per cent in January 2012. Inflation based on the food index also stood higher at 5.08 per cent in February 2012 against 0.49 per cent in January 2012.

The all-India consumer price index for industrial workers (base 2001=100) increased by one percentage point and stood at 199 in February 2012.

During February 2012, the index recorded the maximum increase of 5 points in Puducherry center while it rose 4 points each in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Mariani Jorhat centres, 3 points in 4 centres, 2 points in 10 centres and 1 point each in 30 centres.

The index decreased by 5 points in Quilon center and was down 3 points each in Tiruchirapally and Salem centres, 2 points each in 2 centres and 1 point each in 8 centres.

In the remaining 17 centres, the index remained stationary.

The maximum increase of 5 points in Puducherry centre was mainly on account of increase in the prices of rice, mutton, poultry (chicken), curd, snacks (saltish), country liquor, refined liquor, shirting (synthetic), bus fare, auto-rickshaw fare, barber charges, flower/flower garlands etc.