Consumer price inflation rates for agricultural and rural workers move in opposite directions

20 Jun 2012

Consumer price inflation based on the consumer price index for agricultural labourers decreased from 7.84 per cent in April to 7.77 per cent in May while CPI for rural labourers increased from 8.01 per cent in April to 8.11 per cent in May. 

Inflation based on food index of agricultural workers and rural workers are 5.61 per cent and 5.94 per cent, respectively during May 2012.

The All-India consumer price index for agricultural and rural labourers (Base: 1986-87=100) for May increased by five and six points to 638 and 640, respectively.

The rise / fall in index varied from state to state. In case of a labourers, it recorded an increase between 2 and 13 points in 19 states and a decrease of 1 point in 1 state. 

Haryana with 711 points topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 531 points stood at the bottom.

In case of rural labourers, it recorded an increase between 1 and 13  points in 19  states whereas the  index of 1 state remained stationary. 

Punjab with 707 points topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 552 points stood at the bottom.