Direct tax collections up 13.02 per cent at Rs5,90,077 crore in 2011-12

07 Jun 2012

Gross direct tax collections in the country during the 2011-12 financial year rose 13.02 per cent and stood at Rs5,90,077 crore, as against Rs5,22,104 crore in the same period in FY2010-11, figures released by the finance ministry showed.

Gross collection of corporate taxes during the 2011-12 financial year was up 11.52 per cent at Rs3,96,208 crore, against Rs3,55,267 crore during the 2010-11 financial year.

Gross collection of personal income tax was up 16.20 per cent at Rs1,93,042 crore, against Rs1,66,130 crore in 2010-11. Net direct tax collections during the 2011-12 fiscal stood at Rs4,94,799 crore, up from Rs4,46,935 crore in the same period in the previous fiscal, posting a growth of 10.71 per cent.

Wealth tax collection grew 14.56 per cent and stood at Rs787 crore against Rs687 crore in the same period during the 2010-11 financial year.

Securities transaction tax (STT) collections registered a negative growth of -20.95 per cent due mainly to a bearish stock market. Gross collections on this account stood at Rs5,656 crore against Rs7,155 crore collected in the same period during the 2010-11.