Unincorporated units in India employ about 108 million: survey

28 Jun 2012

About 108 million workers were engaged in unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) across the country as of June 2011, according to a National Sample Survey (NSS).

While about 51 per cent of workers were located in urban areas, 49 per cent were located in rural areas, the 67th round of National Sample Survey (July 2010 - June 2011) showed.

At the all-India level, the sector 'other services' had the highest percentage (36 per cent) of workers while 'trade' and 'manufacturing' sectors had almost equal share (32 per cent) of workers.

About 54 per cent of an estimated 57.7 million unincorporated non-agricultural enterprises (excluding construction) in the country were located in rural areas and 46 per cent were located in urban areas, according to the latest National Sample Survey.

Nationwide, 30 per cent of the 57.7 million units were engaged in manufacturing activities while 36 per cent were engaged in trading and the remaining 34 per cent in services.

In rural India, these enterprises were more or less equally distributed (between 33 to 34 per cent) among broad activity categories while in urban India, enterprises engaged in trading had the dominant share (38 per cent) followed by other services (35.5 per cent) and manufacturing (26.5 per cent).