Occupy Wall Street shows muscle with big Times Square demonstration

17 Oct 2011

The Occupy Wall Street movement is well stocked not only with supplies but also over $300,000 in its kitty. City officials are loath to evict it from its makeshift headquarters thanks to its muscle, which was on display yesterday with the massive Times Square demonstration it organised  in which legions of activists demonstrating in solidarity across the country and around the world.

It is difficult to hazard a guess, as to whether this could be the peak that the loosely organised protesters united in revulsion against alleged corporate greed could accomplish, or whether they were just getting started analysts add.

However, the demonstrators who have gathered at Zuccotti Park show signs of confidence, as also signs of tension after the movement began a month ago.

Not only do they find it difficult to agree on things like whether some one could bring in a sleeping bag, there is also little unity on any policy issues. Some protesters favour the movement rallying around a goal, while others say that was not the point.

Even if the protesters were to be evicted from Zuccotti Park, as the property owner and the city briefly threatened last week, the movement would continue, according to Justin Strekal, a college student and political organiser who travelled from Cleveland to New York to help. He added activists were working with legal experts to identify alternate sites that would allow them to stay put with less trouble.

Though, moments of madness do occur in the streets, among the protest crowd, accompanied by whiffs of marijuana, grungy clothing and disarray, the movement has largely been orderly.