World economy
A Yale economist’s take on the Greek debt crisis
08 Jul 2015
Greece and its European creditors are struggling to agree on new bailout terms to prevent a complete collapse of the Greek economy If no agreement is reached by July 20, Greece will default on a $3.9 billion bond repayment to the European Central Bank (ECB), which could force the cash-strapped nation to begin printing its own national currency. By Michael Cummings
US banks resubmit bankruptcy contingency plans
07 Jul 2015
UK banks urge Osborne to cap bank levy
06 Jul 2015
China steps up efforts to tackle stock market crash
06 Jul 2015
The stock market rout in the world’s second-largest economy has raised serious concerns for global investors who fear derailment of the country’s growth prospects, which are already on a slide
Greece set to lose as Tsipras wins austerity referendum
06 Jul 2015
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has decisively won a vote against austerity, but at a cost, for he has no one to lend on his terms as of now
Greeks convert euros to bitcoins in case Greece exits EU
04 Jul 2015
Greeks are converting their euros to bitcoins as a safeguard against a return to devalued drachma in the event of a “No” vote in a referendum, due on Sunday
Greece defaults on IMF debt; set to reject EU bailout terms
30 Jun 2015
The Greek government on Tuesday held on to its anti-austerity platform even as European leaders pleaded with Greek voters to back the highly disputed bailout proposals in a crunch referendum or face leaving the euro
Markets in a tailspin as Geek debt default looms
29 Jun 2015
The Greek government announced on Sunday that the country’s banks would remain shut all week after a run on the banks by depositors eager to withdraw their money
EBRD eyes co-financing infra projects with China-led AIIB
27 Jun 2015
EBRD hopes to have its first joint projects with the new $100-billion China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in place by next year
Raghuram Rajan warns of repeat of the 1930 global depression
26 Jun 2015
While trying to produce growth out of nowhere we are in fact shifting growth from each other, rather than creating growth, he pointed out