Technology - general

A planet made of diamond

26 Aug 2011

Now smartphones help raise fuel efficiency

25 Aug 2011

A network of dashboard-mounted phones can collect data on traffic lights and tell drivers how to avoid inefficient stopping and starting.

Voice cells for voice recognition

24 Aug 2011

Researchers find way to align gold nanorods on a large scale

22 Aug 2011

The future of inks, paints and coatings takes shape

20 Aug 2011

New method detects emerging sunspots deep inside the sun, provides warning of dangerous solar flares

By By Louis Bergeron | 20 Aug 2011

Ready to learn? Brain scans can tell you

By Anne Trafton, MIT News Office | 19 Aug 2011

Neuroscientists identify brain activity that predicts how well we remember images

Mother’s body mass index linked to fatter babies

19 Aug 2011

Effortless sailing with fluid flow cloak

By By Richard Merritt | 19 Aug 2011

Easier, cheaper way to make a sought-after chemical modification to pharmaceuticals

17 Aug 2011

ORNL microscopy generates new view of fuel cells

17 Aug 2011

Running robot: Mabel is the world's fastest two-legged robot with knees

16 Aug 2011

With a peak pace of 6.8 miles per hour, Mabel is believed to be the world's fastest bipedal robot with knees.

New neutrino detection experiment in China up and running

16 Aug 2011

Purdue University starts website for feedback from people with disabilities interested in science

13 Aug 2011

India plans legal action against Monsanto for 'illegally' developing Bt brinjal

13 Aug 2011

Researchers are redefining how the brain plans movement

By By Andrew Myers | 13 Aug 2011

Technology that could help save lives of soldiers

13 Aug 2011

Bilayer graphene: another step towards graphene electronics

12 Aug 2011

Nobel Prize winning scientists professor Andre Geim and professor Kostya Novoselov reveal graphene's exciting electronic properties for future electronic applications

A systematic way to find battery materials

By David L. Chandler, MIT News Office | 12 Aug 2011

DNA building blocks can be made in space

By By Bill Steigerwald, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. | 11 Aug 2011

NASA-funded researchers have found more evidence that meteorites can carry DNA components created in space, setting at rest doubts whether these were created in space or resulted from contamination by terrestrial life

DNA building blocks can be made in space

By By Bill Steigerwald, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. | 11 Aug 2011

NASA-funded researchers have found more evidence that meteorites can carry DNA components created in space, setting at rest doubts whether these were created in space or resulted from contamination by terrestrial life

Reverse metabolism of bacteria helps to produce faster fuel production

11 Aug 2011

Stress genes out of kilter

11 Aug 2011

Hybrid solar system makes rooftop hydrogen

10 Aug 2011

Research reveals genetic link to human intelligence

10 Aug 2011