Technology - general
Metal particle generates new hope for H2 energy
28 Jun 2011
Researchers are exploring how metal nanoparticles act as highly efficient catalysts in using solar radiation to split water into hydrogen and oxygen, to produce efficient and clean hydrogen energy
Volkswagen displays driverless system "Temporary Auto Pilot"
27 Jun 2011
German auto maker Volkswagen has developed the Temporary Auto Pilot system, which drives a car semi-automatically up to a speed of 80 mph
And now, get a new heart valve in 90 minutes sans open-heart surgery
25 Jun 2011
The Rush University Medical Center in Washington has successfully experimented with a novel heart valve replacement option for patients with aortic stenosis who are at high-risk or are considered inoperable
Optical circuit enables new approach to quantum technologies
25 Jun 2011
An international research group led by scientists from the University of Bristol, UK, and the Universities of Osaka and Hokkaido, Japan, has demonstrated a fundamental building block for quantum computing that could soon be employed in a range of quantum technologies.
Role of non-coding RNA in inherited neurological and other brain disorders
By By Scott LaFee | 22 Jun 2011
Breakthrough larynx transplant trials to commence in the UK
20 Jun 2011
People with a diseased or damaged larynx can now hope to talk again, as the Royal College of Surgeons has approved trials in the UK trials for voicebox transplants after a successful US operation