Users warned against Secret Sister Gift Exchange on Facebook scam

07 Nov 2015


A search on Facebook for ''secret sister gift exchange'' will show up people posting and re-posting the same message over and over again. The message claims one could buy a gift for $10 or more, add one's name to a list and then receive a bounty of 36 gifts.

University of South Florida mass communications instructor Kelli Burns knows about the secret sister gift exchange she had seen on Facebook and a couple of her friends were participating.''

''This is a typical pyramid scheme. We're just seeing this on Facebook this time instead of the old way of using letters, and Facebook allows it to spread a lot faster,'' she added.

The biggest problem with the post was it was illegal, as the United States Post Office regulations were very clear about pyramid schemes, and these gifts were being sent through the mail.

The premise was quite simple - one sent someone a gift valued at $10 and in return received as many as 36 other gifts or so the claim went.

The Secret Sister Gift Exchange is in reality little more than an old fashioned pyramid scheme that would bring little Christmas cheer to participants, according to commentators.

The posts first started appearing on social media sites in October.

Participants are promised a plethora of gifts in exchange for sending one present to a person on their "Secret Sister" list. One is supposed to recruit six friends to join in and the list is supposed to grow so that eventually, one would receive 36 gifts in return for one.

The ''Secret Sister'' list urges people to join up with the following pitch:

Welcome to our secret sister gift exchange! Here is how it works

  1. Send one gift valued at least $10 to secret sister that is place number one below
  2. Remove secret sister's name from #1; then move secret sister No. 2 to that spot.
  3. Add your name to No. 2 with your info.
  4. Then send this info to the other ladies with the updated name info
  5. Copy the secret sister request that I sent you and move me to No. 1 and yourself to No. 2.

The post adds, "You might want to order directly from a web-based service (Amazon, or any other online shop) which saves a trip to the post office. Soon you should receive 36 gifts! What a deal, 36 gifts for giving just one! Be sure to include some information about yourself...some of your favorites. Seldom does anyone drop out because it's so much fun to send a gift to someone you may or may not know...and of course it's fun to receive. You should begin receiving gifts in about 2 weeks, don't forget to go copy my status and repost to get your friends in the fun!"


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