Japan to test-fire PAC-3 interceptor missiles at US facility

22 Dec 2007


Tokyo: Hard on the heels of a successful test firing of a US-built Standard Missile-3 interceptor missile from a Japanese Navy destroyer, off Hawaii, comes the news that the Japan is likely to conduct another test firing of an interceptor missile – this time of a PAC-3 land-to-air missile. The tests will take place in the US, sometime in the coming months, a defence ministry official said on Friday.

The Defence Ministry plans to conduct the test of PAC-3 Patriot interceptors at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico during the next fiscal year, which ends March 2009, the official of the defence ministry said.

Mainichi, a major Japanese daily, reported that the test could be in late 2008, but the timing was uncertain. He spoke on condition of anonymity, citing policy.

The test comes with acceleration in the efforts of Japan and the US to deploy joint missile defence systems in order to counter North Korea's testing of missiles and a nuclear device.

Japan has deployed two PAC- missile defence units near Tokyo and plans major drills around its capital. There are plans to deploy more missiles at nine more bases by March 2011.

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