India's consumer price index for industrial workers rise 8.03 per cent in March

15 May 2009


The consumer price inflation rate based on the all-India consumer price index for industrial workers (CPI-IW) with base 2001=100 rose 8.03 per cent in March, compared to 9.63 per cent in February, even as the index numbers for industrial workers remained stationery at 148 points from March 2008, according to a government release.

The point to point rate of inflation based on the consumer price index for agricultural workers and rural workers - (CPI-AL)  and (CPI-RL) – were also lower at 9.46 per cent and 9.69 per cent, respectively, in March 2009 against 10.79 per cent each in February 2009, official dat showed.

During March 2009, the index for industrial workers recorded the maximum increase of 4 points each in Warrangal and Munger-Jamalpur centres, 3 points in Bhilwara centre, 2 points in 7 centres and 1 point in 25 centres.

The index recorded a decrease of 2 points each in Chennai, Jalpaiguri and Earnakulam centres, 1 point in 6 centres, while in the remaining 34 centres the index remained stationary.

The maximum increase of 4 points was in Warrangal centre, mainly due to increase in the price of rice, milk (buffalo), vegetable and fruit items etc. In Monger-Jamalpur centre this increase has been due to goat meat, fish (fresh), milk (buffalo), vegetable and fruit items, tea (readymade), washing soap etc.

The increase of 3 points in Bhilwara centre has been due to wheat, onion, vegetable and fruit items, sugar etc. The decrease of 2 points in Earnakulam centre has been on account of decease in the prices of rice, coconut oil, fish (fresh), bus fare etc, in Jalpaiguri centre due to Wheat Atta, Masur Dal, Mustard Oil etc and in Chennai centre it was due to rice, poultry (chicken), onion, tamarind, flowers/flower garlands etc.

The Indices in respect of the six main centres are as follows:  Ahmedabad : 143, Bangalore :160, Chennai : 142, Delhi : 141, Kolkata : 147 and Mumbai : 153

The point to point rate of inflation based on the consumer price index for agricultural workers and rural workers - (CPI-AL)  and (CPI-RL) decreased from 10.79 per cent each in February 2009 to 9.46 per cent and 9.69 per cent, respectively in March 2009.

The respective rates of inflation during March 2008 were 7.91 per cent and 7.63 per cent, respectively.

The index for agricultural labourers and rural labourers (Base: 1986-87=100) for March 2009 increased by 1 point and 2 points respectively to 463 points for agricultural labourers and 464  points for rural labourers.

In the case of agricultural labourers, 5 states reflected an increase in index ranging between 5 and 8 points and 9 states between 1 and 4 points. The index of four states remained constant while 2 states reflected a decrease in index ranging between 2 and 3 points. Haryana with 503 points topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 406 points stood at the bottom

In the case of rural labourers, the increase in index ranged between 5 and 9 points in 5 states; between 1 and 4 points in 10 states; the index of 3 states remained constant while 2 states reflected a decrease in index ranging between 1 and 3 points. Punjab with 503 points was at the top of the index table whereas Manipur with 414 points stood at the bottom. 

The consumer price index numbers of Orissa for agricultural and rural labourers registered the highest increase of 8 and 9 points respectively mainly due to increase in the prices of rice, ragi, vegetables and fruits and firewood. On the other hand, the index of Kerala recorded a maximum decrease of 3 points each for agricultural laboureres and rural labourers mainly due to decrease in the prices of rice, coconut oil, onion and vegetables and fruits.

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