
Nepal signs trade point pact with China to offset India's trade monopoly

23 Mar 2016

India’s Apr-Feb trade deficit narrows to $113.39 bn as markets sag

16 Mar 2016

More states may follow Uttarakhand lead, impose entry tax

15 Mar 2016

India needs to export rapidly to grow 8-10%: Arvind Subramanian

12 Mar 2016

India moves WTO over US temporary work visa fees

India moves WTO over US temporary work visa fees

05 Mar 2016

The visas are typically used by thousands of Indian nationals hired by information technology services firms operating in the United States, and the fee hike could cause Indian industry an annual loss of $400 million

Indian Railways ties up technology with Japan, Russia

03 Mar 2016

Notices fly in both houses over Ishrat Jahan, other issues

02 Mar 2016

India’s FTAs leading to increased imports

27 Feb 2016

India’s April-Jan exports down 17.6%; trade deficit lower at $106.8 billion

26 Feb 2016

US gets China to back tough sanctions on N Korea

US gets China to back tough sanctions on N Korea

26 Feb 2016

China and the United States had differed on how strongly to respond to Pyongyang`s most recent test, with Washington urging harsh punitive measures and Beijing emphasizing dialogue and milder UN steps confined to non-proliferation

Indian solar power norms discriminatory: WTO

25 Feb 2016

Sierra Club blasts anti-India WTO ruling on solar power

Sierra Club blasts anti-India WTO ruling on solar power

25 Feb 2016

Urging the US to drop its case against India solar localisation policies, a top American environmental group says that almost half of US states have a programme similar to that of India

India to provide $150-min line of credit for Iran’s Chabahar port project

India to provide $150-min line of credit for Iran’s Chabahar port project

25 Feb 2016

India is pushing for the Chabahar Port project, which will facilitate growing trade and investment with Iran and other countries in the region

US wins WTO ruling against India in solar panel dispute

US wins WTO ruling against India in solar panel dispute

25 Feb 2016

The United States complained to the WTO in 2013 about the Indian solar programme, which required that certain cells and modules be made in India, saying that it violated WTO rules on discriminating against imports

Commerce minister keeps budget hopes of exporters alive

22 Feb 2016

India, Nepal rekindle ties, sign 9 agreements

India, Nepal rekindle ties, sign 9 agreements

20 Feb 2016

Oli’s visit assumes significance in the backdrop of the adoption of a new constitution in Nepal after violent protests in the country’s southern plains led to a constitutional crisis in the Himalayan nation

US probes alleged dumping of tyres by India, Sri Lanka

20 Feb 2016

Cabinet approves WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement

17 Feb 2016

Rupee hits a 2-1/2-year low of 68.58 a dollar

17 Feb 2016

India’s April-January FY16 trade deficit hits $106.8 billion

15 Feb 2016

MoU to boost UAE investment in Indian infrastructure

13 Feb 2016

India, UAE sign 7 agreements to step up bilateral cooperation

12 Feb 2016

UAE's Adnoc to store oil in India, give it two-thirds free

UAE's Adnoc to store oil in India, give it two-thirds free

11 Feb 2016

Adnoc is looking for safe and close storage facility and is keen on taking half of the 1.5-million tonne Mangalore storage facility where it can store oil for trading

India looks to China-led trade grouping as TPP hopes fade

11 Feb 2016

Import duty on used cooking oil may go

11 Feb 2016

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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