
More frequent and more severe droughts and floods likely

More frequent and more severe droughts and floods likely

23 Oct 2015

El Nino and global warming work together to bring more extreme weather; research suggests that the frequency of droughts could double and floods could triple between the early 20th century and late 21st century

German hunter kills iconic tusker, revives Cecil debate

19 Oct 2015

Global marine analysis suggests food chain collapse

Global marine analysis suggests food chain collapse

13 Oct 2015

Marine ecologists from the University of Adelaide say the expected ocean acidification and warming in responses to rising human CO2 emission is likely to produce a reduction in diversity and numbers of various key species that underpin marine ecosystems around the world

Hundreds of new species discovered in the fragile Eastern Himalayan region

08 Oct 2015

Walking fish, sneezing monkey among 211 new Himalayan species

Walking fish, sneezing monkey among 211 new Himalayan species

08 Oct 2015

Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) researchers have discovered 211 new species in the Himalayan region, including a snub-nosed monkey that sneezes when it rains and walking fish that live on land

Plastic-eating worms may offer solution to mounting waste

05 Oct 2015

Vibrations from waves shake Antarctic ice shelves

Vibrations from waves shake Antarctic ice shelves

05 Oct 2015

Research throws up evidence that ocean wave energy generated thousands of miles away in the North Pacific Ocean vibrates ice shelves in Antarctica and may play a role in their disintegration

VW suspends sales of suspect vehicles in Australia

03 Oct 2015

Climate change: Clean energy key to India’s climate action

03 Oct 2015

India pledges to cut emissions by 33-35% in 15 years

India pledges to cut emissions by 33-35% in 15 years

03 Oct 2015

But, unlike the United States, China and other big nations, which have announced peak years for emissions, New Delhi has ruled out committing to absolute cuts in carbon emissions

Mosaic Fertilizer penalised $2 bn over waste disposal

03 Oct 2015

India to present national climate action plan at Paris summit

29 Sep 2015

Scottish windfarms pose huge threat to gannets: study

29 Sep 2015

PM projects India's 175-GW clean energy goal at renewable energy meet

28 Sep 2015

California regulators approve substantial cut to carbon from gasoline and diesel fuels

26 Sep 2015

Annual battle: Choking Singapore blasts Indonesia

Annual battle: Choking Singapore blasts Indonesia

26 Sep 2015

The annual problem has been causing hazardous pollution levels across the region for weeks

Agricultural practices unknowingly cause poisoning of lake catchment

24 Sep 2015

Manhattan judge strikes down Styrofoam ban

23 Sep 2015

How clouds get their brightness

How clouds get their brightness

22 Sep 2015

How clouds help set the temperature of the earth is one of the two big remaining questions in climate research. Now, a study of clouds over the world's remotest ocean shows that ocean life is responsible for up to half the cloud droplets that pop in and out of existence during summer

West has polluted world for last 150 years: Goyal

19 Sep 2015

Air pollution killing 3.3 mn people a year study

Air pollution killing 3.3 mn people a year study

19 Sep 2015

Air contaminated with pollutants such as ozone and tiny particles could cause the premature death of about 6.6 million people a year by 2050 if nothing is done to improve air quality, scientists warn

New light shed on ‘ringed planet’ Saturn’s satellites

18 Sep 2015

Courts around the world under pressure to resolve climate conflicts

Courts around the world under pressure to resolve climate conflicts

16 Sep 2015

A key group of the world's leading judges, lawyers and legal academics under the aegis of the UK Supreme Court, UK government, ADB and the UN Environmental Programme will discuss the unchartered territory of developing 'climate change laws'

US federal appeals court blocks use of pesticide over declining bee population

12 Sep 2015

Green tech, supercomputing trust areas of Indo-Russia ties

12 Sep 2015

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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