
Road traffic noise linked to deaths and strokes

24 Jun 2015

Climate change threatens to undermine last 50 year of health gains

Climate change threatens to undermine last 50 year of health gains

24 Jun 2015

The potentially catastrophic risk to human health posed by climate change has been severely underestimated, says a commission on climate change and health

Researchers identify strategy to guide consumers to green energy choices

22 Jun 2015

US EPA proposes new emissions norms for commercial vehicles

US EPA proposes new emissions norms for commercial vehicles

20 Jun 2015

The EPA has proposed increasing fuel-economy standards for new medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in a move that would cut US oil consumption by 1.8 billion barrels

World entering 6th mass extinction

World entering 6th mass extinction

By By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the En | 20 Jun 2015

We are now entering the sixth great mass extinction, warn researchers and call for urgent action to conserve threatened species, populations and habitats, but warn that the window of opportunity is rapidly closing

Mumbai braces for more rains while limping to normalcy

Mumbai braces for more rains while limping to normalcy

20 Jun 2015

Mumbai, which was paralysed on Friday following torrential rains since Thursday night, limped back to normalcy on Saturday, with train services restored on all three suburban lines

India faces world's worst groundwater depletion: NASA

India faces world's worst groundwater depletion: NASA

19 Jun 2015

The stress on groundwater resources is more apparent in India than in any other part of the world, data received from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites show

Mumbai lost in the rains, in just a day

Mumbai lost in the rains, in just a day

19 Jun 2015

Heavy rains halted trains, the lifeline of the city, in their tracks, while waterlogged roads affected movement to even closeby locations

Third of big groundwater basins in distress

Third of big groundwater basins in distress

18 Jun 2015

About one-third of Earth's largest groundwater basins are being rapidly depleted by human consumption, despite having little accurate data about how much water remains in them

US biodiesel fuel company owner fined for fraud and Clean Air Act crimes

17 Jun 2015

New calculations to improve carbon dioxide monitoring from space

16 Jun 2015

Fluid injection's role in man-made earthquakes revealed

Fluid injection's role in man-made earthquakes revealed

15 Jun 2015

For the first time, researchers in the United States and France have observed how fluid injection sets off microearthquakes on a sizable, subterranean fault

Nepal quakes push a million below poverty line

Nepal quakes push a million below poverty line

15 Jun 2015

Losses to Nepal's economy, including tourism, from its worst disaster on record stand at nearly $7 billion

World's first tidal energy project at Swansea Bay gets planning clearance

World's first tidal energy project at Swansea Bay gets planning clearance

13 Jun 2015

The development involves building of a six-mile horseshoe-shaped seawall with turbines for harnessing the power of the tides

Exxon rejects fracking operations caused Texas earthquakes

12 Jun 2015

EPA takes first steps to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from airplane engines

12 Jun 2015

Solar wind monitoring mission passes the first hurdle

09 Jun 2015

CSIR-NEERI mobile units to monitor air pollution across India

05 Jun 2015

EPA finds no evidence of pollution from fracking

05 Jun 2015

Monsoon hits Kerala, advances further north

05 Jun 2015

Ganges river dolphin distant cousin of extinct New Zealand species

02 Jun 2015

Australian weather bureau sees hope for Indian monsoon from MJO wave

Australian weather bureau sees hope for Indian monsoon from MJO wave

02 Jun 2015

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has found signs to support the view that the monsoon may not be that bad

Heat, dust raise toxin levels in Delhi air

01 Jun 2015

MU researchers create drought conditions to unearth solutions

30 May 2015

Magnitude 8.5 quake hits Japan’s east coast, no damage or tsunami threat

30 May 2015

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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