Soft drinks
Diet Coke, Coke Zero to regain splash of original red
21 Apr 2016
Coca-Cola has announced a shift in branding that focuses on redesigning the cans of Diet Coke, Coke Zero and the Stevia-sweetened Coke Life to contain more of the brand’s red colouring
Health drink proves its claim to help Alzheimer’s patients
12 Mar 2016
A daily drink which manufacturers say can ‘manage’ Alzheimer’s disease does actually stop the brain from shrinking, a two-year clinical trial has shown
Coke, Pepsi funded research exonerating diet sodas
19 Jan 2016
A study highlighting the supposed benefit of diet drinks was funded by an institute whose members include Coca-Cola and PepsiCo – which it did not disclose in a press release announcing its findings
Eighteen villages in Varanasi want local Coca-Cola plant shut
28 Nov 2015
Coca-Cola exploits groundwater at the expense of the poor, the women, children, farmers and livestock who have to live with less water because Coca-Cola mines groundwater in a water scarce area for profit
Coke under fire for funding non-profit health outfit
25 Nov 2015
The soft drink giant’s chief health and science officer Rhona Applebaum has resigned following revelations that Coca-Cola Co funded research that downplays the role of sugary drinks in obesity