Biotech & pharma

Antibody-making bacteria promise drug development

08 Sep 2015

Biomarker helps predict survival time in gastric cancer patients

08 Sep 2015

Discovery of trigger for bugs’ defences could lead to new antibiotics

04 Sep 2015

Researchers study using nanotechnology to fight cancer

02 Sep 2015

Protein plays key role in blocking pathogen survival

02 Sep 2015

Forever young? New gene research could block ageing

31 Aug 2015

New 'tissue velcro' could help repair damaged hearts

29 Aug 2015

Researchers reveal how a common mutation causes neurodegenerative disease

27 Aug 2015

Algorithm helps identify elusive genes that express like clockwork

27 Aug 2015

A paradigm shift in multidrug resistance

24 Aug 2015

Expression of a single gene lets scientists easily grow hepatitis C virus in the lab

22 Aug 2015

Capturing cell growth in 3-D

By By Rob Matheson | MIT News Office | 22 Aug 2015

Yale team sheds light on century-old biochemical mystery

18 Aug 2015

Scientists bolster 'phage' weapons in food safety battle

18 Aug 2015

Traitors in our midst: Bacteria use toxins to turn our own bodies against us

17 Aug 2015

Identifying a key growth factor in cell proliferation

17 Aug 2015

New breath test shows possible biomarker for early-stage liver disease diagnosis

14 Aug 2015

Researchers genetically engineer yeast to produce opioids

14 Aug 2015

Combining chemotherapy with an immune-blocking drug could stop cancer growing back

14 Aug 2015

Scientists determine how antibiotic gains cancer-killing sulphur atoms

11 Aug 2015

Scientists designing decoy drugs to fool cancer

11 Aug 2015

Researchers strategize to outsmart bacteria: identify mutations that resist antibiotics

11 Aug 2015

New strategy identifies infertility-causing genes

11 Aug 2015

Atomic view of cellular pump reveals how bacteria send out proteins

10 Aug 2015

Chemists say nicotine-chewing bacteria may hold key to anti-smoking therapy

10 Aug 2015

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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