Biotech & pharma

Molecular tinkering doubles cancer drug’s efficacy

10 Aug 2015

Researchers strategise to outsmart bacteria

05 Aug 2015

Study identifies ‘major player’ in skin cancer genes

30 Jul 2015

Cellular defect linked to diabetes

28 Jul 2015

Resolving social conflict is key to survival of bacterial communities

25 Jul 2015

Scientists find new variant of streptococcal bacteria causing severe infections

22 Jul 2015

Extra support for cells under stress may be a job for DoGs

21 Jul 2015

Mutations in a single gene underlie vulnerability to two unrelated types of infections

18 Jul 2015

Lynchpin mlecule for the spread of cancer found

16 Jul 2015

A single molecule called DNA-PKcs may drive metastatic processes that turn cancer from a slowly growing relatively benign disease to a killer

Drug Candidate Significantly Reduces HIV Reactivation Rate

15 Jul 2015

Scientists identify compounds that could treat depression in less than 24 hours

15 Jul 2015

Wrinkles in the brain’s outer surface correlates with genetic heritage

14 Jul 2015

Molecular transporter could be the key to more successful chemotherapy

Molecular transporter could be the key to more successful chemotherapy

13 Jul 2015

A tiny molecular transporter could be the key to more successful chemotherapy treatment against drug resistant cancer in the future

Rare genetic mutations occur more often in schizophrenia patients

13 Jul 2015

Bacteria use DNA replication to time key decision

11 Jul 2015

Gene therapy restores hearing in mice

10 Jul 2015

How anthrax spores grow in cultured human tissues

08 Jul 2015

Tumours' mechanical properties affect protein production

08 Jul 2015

Research finds protein regulation linked to cells' growth cycle

07 Jul 2015

Potential new HIV therapy seen in immune cells

06 Jul 2015

Researchers find why BRCA gene resists cancer treatment

04 Jul 2015

Researchers evolve CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases with novel properties

30 Jun 2015

‘Core’ immune cells reduce symptoms and spread of flu

27 Jun 2015

How Huntington’s disease proteins spread from cell to cell

25 Jun 2015

Scientists show AIDS vaccine candidate successfully ‘primes’ immune system

Scientists show AIDS vaccine candidate successfully ‘primes’ immune system

24 Jun 2015

TSRI and IAVI scientists have designed a protein nanoparticle called "eOD-GT8 60mer" (above) that binds and activates B cells needed to fight HIV

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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