Information technology

Scientists create new platform to drive Internet of Things

31 May 2016

China to launch first quantum communications satellite in July

30 May 2016

Scientists create 'rewritable magnetic charge ice'

21 May 2016

US home security dept announces new cyber security risk analysis tool

23 Apr 2016

Record-speed data transmission could make big data more accessible

20 Apr 2016

Patching up Web applications

Patching up Web applications

16 Apr 2016

New debugging method finds 23 undetected security flaws in 50 popular Web applications

Computer in your clothes? A milestone for wearable electronics

Computer in your clothes? A milestone for wearable electronics

15 Apr 2016

Researchers have succeeded in embroidering circuits into fabric with 0.1 mm precision — the perfect size to integrate electronic components such as sensors and computer memory devices into clothing

Quantum simulation 2.0: Atoms chat long distance

Quantum simulation 2.0: Atoms chat long distance

08 Apr 2016

Physicists have measured long-range magnetic interactions between ultracold particles

Researchers from Jonhs Hopkins University punch hole in iOS encryption

21 Mar 2016

New 'machine unlearning' technique wipes out unwanted data quickly and completely

16 Mar 2016

Experiment shows magnetic chips could dramatically increase computing's energy efficiency

Experiment shows magnetic chips could dramatically increase computing's energy efficiency

14 Mar 2016

Researchers have shown for the first time that magnetic chips can operate with the lowest fundamental level of energy dissipation possible under the laws of thermodynamic

MIT’s Polaris makes fast work of loading web pages

10 Mar 2016

The beginning of the end for encryption schemes?

The beginning of the end for encryption schemes?

By Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office | 10 Mar 2016

New quantum computer, based on five atoms, factors numbers in a scalable way that could enhance encryption for protecting credit cards, state secrets, and other confidential data

Designing computers that let us think with our hands

22 Feb 2016

New hardware to expand fast fibre-to-the-home

New hardware to expand fast fibre-to-the-home

20 Feb 2016

The cost of deploying fast fibre connections straight to homes could be dramatically reduced by new hardware designed and tested by researchers

Moving electrons around loops with light: A quantum device based on geometry

20 Feb 2016

Women better than men at writing computer code

Women better than men at writing computer code

15 Feb 2016

Researchers have found that computer code written by women has a higher approval rating than that written by men - but only if their gender is not identifiable, indicating that a 'glass ceiling' still exists for women

Record for fastest data rate set

Record for fastest data rate set

12 Feb 2016

Researchers in the UK have achieved a rate of 1.125 Tb/s as part of research on the capacity limits of optical transmission systems, designed to address the growing demand for fast data rates

Energy-friendly chip can perform powerful artificial-intelligence tasks

09 Feb 2016

New chip fabrication approach

New chip fabrication approach

01 Feb 2016

Depositing different materials within a single chip layer could lead to more efficient computers

UK scientists propose to use pictures for passwords

02 Jan 2016

Optoelectronic microprocessors built using existing chip manufacturing

Optoelectronic microprocessors built using existing chip manufacturing

29 Dec 2015

High-performance prototype means chip makers could now start building optoelectronic chips

Images and codes could provide secure alternative to multiple device password systems

23 Dec 2015

Google holds proof of working of Quantum computer

14 Dec 2015

New chip design could boost electronic performance by factor of a thousand

New chip design could boost electronic performance by factor of a thousand

14 Dec 2015

In modern computer systems, processor and memory chips are laid out like single-story structures in a suburb.  A new skyscraper-like design, based on materials more advanced than silicon, provides the next computing platform

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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