Consumer price inflation for agricultural and rural labourers declines in December

20 Jan 2012

Consumer price inflation based on the consumer price index numbers for agricultural and rural labourers declined to 6.37 per cent and 6.72 per cent in December 2011 from 8.95 per cent and 9.14 per cent, respectively, in November 2011.

The all-India consumer price index numbers for agricultural and rural labourers (base: 1986-87=100) decreased by 3 points and 2 points, respectively, to 618 and 619 in December 2011.
The fall or rise in the index varied from state to state. In the case of agricultural laborers, it registered a decrease between 1 and 13 points in 18 states and an increase of 3 to 8 points in two states. 

Maharashtra with 689 points topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 509 points stood at the bottom.
In case of rural labourers, it recorded a decrease between 1 and 13 points in 15 states and an increase of 1 to 9 points in 2 states. It, however, remained stationary in 3 states.

Maharashtra with 681 points topped the index table whereas Himachal Pradesh with the index level of 531 points stood at the bottom.
Consumer price index numbers for agricultural and rural labourers in Orissa registered the maximum decrease of 13 points each, mainly due to decrease in the prices of rice, ragi, onion and vegetables and fruits. The index numbers in Tamil Nadu registered the highest increase of 8 and 9 points, respectively, mainly due to increase in the prices of rice, milk, pan leaf, firewood and bus fare.