Scientists find gold in Swiss sewage system
13 Oct 2017
Pest resistance to biotech crops surging
11 Oct 2017
Researchers analyzed published data for 36 cases representing responses of 15 pest species in 10 countries on every continent except Antarctica. They discovered resistance that substantially reduced the efficacy of the Bt crops in the field in 16 cases as of 2016
Scientists find new source of radioactivity from Fukushima disaster
04 Oct 2017
Researchers hypothesise that high levels of radioactive cesium-137 released in 2011 were transported along the coast by ocean currents. Days and weeks after the accident, waves and tides brought the cesium onto the coast, where it became "stuck" to the surfaces of sand grains
2100: Some of us now living may witness the next mass extinction
23 Sep 2017
Daniel Rothman, professor of geophysics at MIT and the co-director of MIT's Lorenz Center, feels a sixth mass extinction will occur when a critical amount of carbon - which he analysed as 310 giga tonnes - is likely added to the oceans by the year 2100
Over 250 dead as 7.1 magnitude quake flattens Mexico City
20 Sep 2017
The powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.1 that struck central Mexico on Tuesday afternoon flattened at least 44 buildings in the heavily populated capital, burying the victims under the ruins and the rubble
Urban climate change
13 Sep 2017
Air pollution cutting Indian’s lives by up to 4 years: study
12 Sep 2017
The compliance with WHO standards could see Delhi residents, who breathe the world's most polluted air, gain the most as they could live up to nine years longer and six years more if national standards are met, reveals a new study