Rush hour pollution may be more dangerous than you think
22 Jul 2017
The first in-car measurements of exposure to pollutants that cause oxidative stress during rush hour commutes shows the levels of some forms of harmful particulate matter inside car cabins to be twice as high as previously believed
Treated hydraulic fracturing wastewater may pollute water sources for years
20 Jul 2017
Researchers have recently discovered that releasing millions of gallons of treated hydraulic fracturing wastewater each year into area surface waters may have longer-lasting effects than originally thought
Too many bats are being killed for research
19 Jul 2017
Did life begin on land rather than in the sea?
19 Jul 2017
Dirt is good for kids’ immune system
17 Jul 2017
Unabated climate change would reverse the development gains in Asia: report
15 Jul 2017
Unabated climate change would bring devastating consequences to countries in Asia and the Pacific, which could severely affect their future growth, reverse current development gains, and degrade quality of life, warns a new report
Why a single nuke's impact shouldn't only be measured in megatons
14 Jul 2017
As the notion of nuclear hostilities leaps from its old, Cold War perch into modern debate, new calculations by researchers show that even a limited nuclear strike could have disastrous global consequences that could cost a billion lives
Why a single nuke's impact shouldn't only be measured in megatons
14 Jul 2017
As the notion of nuclear hostilities leaps from its old, Cold War perch into modern debate, new calculations by researchers show that even a limited nuclear strike could have disastrous global consequences that could cost a billion lives
The 1 trillion tonne iceberg
13 Jul 2017
Whilst this new iceberg will not immediately raise sea levels, if the shelf loses much more of its area, it could result in glaciers that flow off the land behind speeding up their passage towards the ocean
Prelude to global extinction
12 Jul 2017
The spectre of extinction hangs over about 41 per cent of all amphibian species and 26 per cent of all mammals, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, due to habitat loss, overexploitation, invasive organisms, pollution, toxification and climate change
India leading climate fight through solar revolution: World Bank
08 Jul 2017
With its conscious choice to use significantly more clean energy to fuel its growth, India is contributing to global efforts to save the planet from the effects of climate change