Customer First bags prestigious 3M India project
By Our Corporate Bureau | 29 Jun 2004
Bangalore: Bangalore headquartered Customer First Services, a 24x7 contact centre, has announced that it has bagged a major project from 3M India, a leading technology company with more than 2,000 diverse products. The Healthcare business of 3M India has recently outsourced the activities of enquiry handling, Information dissemination and order placements to Customer First. Customer First would handle the inbound call centre operations for 3M India''s Healthcare business through a national toll free number, which is accessible throughout the business hours, on all weekdays.
Announcing the project with 3M India, Sandip Sen, ceo, Customer First Services, said, "We would also be handling the registration process for the various educational programs aimed at doctors and dentists conducted by 3M India''s Healthcare business. We have recruited post-graduates in life sciences for this specific project for 3M".
"We are happy to have bagged this prestigious project and are confident of providing valuable support to 3M in promoting their wide range of products to their customers" added .Sandip Sen.