
Google launches first smartphones under Android One project in India

15 Sep 2014

Google announces acquisition of online polling start up Polar

12 Sep 2014

Google Inc acquires high-tech spoon maker Lift Labs

11 Sep 2014

Court revives Microsoft co-founder’s patent suit against Apple, AOL, Google and Yahoo

11 Sep 2014

Russian hackers leak millions of Gmail IDs and passwords: report

11 Sep 2014

Google, however, said the danger has been greatly exaggerated and that less than 2 per cent of the username and password combinations might have leaked

EC pushes Google for more changes in web search

09 Sep 2014

Google to launch quantum computing initiative in association with NASA and USRA

03 Sep 2014

A research team led by physicist John Martinis from the University of California, Santa Barbara, will join Google to start work on a project to build new quantum information processors based on superconducting electronics

Google tests autonomous delivery drones in Australia

02 Sep 2014

Google buys video-rendering firm Zync to boost cloud offerings

27 Aug 2014

Google plans to integrate Zync into the Google Cloud Platform used by companies to host their work on Google's servers

California mandates human controls on Google’s self driving cars

25 Aug 2014

Google confirms acquisition of Gecko Design

23 Aug 2014

e-retailer Amazon set to challenge Google, MS with new ad system

23 Aug 2014

Amazon's system would resemble Google's AdWords, and is planned to make it easier for marketers to reach the users

Jetpac acquisition sparks speculation over app’s integration in Google ecosystem

18 Aug 2014

Google buying social travel apps designer JetPac

16 Aug 2014

Apple Maps overtakes Google Maps in mapping traffic on 4G

13 Aug 2014

Google to invest in transpacific cable system project

12 Aug 2014

Survey of India launches probe against Google mapping

11 Aug 2014

Yahoo, Gmail make telephone number mandatory for creating email accounts

11 Aug 2014

Yahoo joins Google to boost email security

08 Aug 2014

Tech giants are teaming up to strengthen their defences against government intrusion and hacking

Google to promote https over http sites in search results

08 Aug 2014

Google ties up with Barnes & Noble for same-day book delivery in US

08 Aug 2014

Google tip off leads to arrest over child abuse

05 Aug 2014

Google confirms sale of mystery barge

04 Aug 2014

Google has confirmed that it is abandoning at least one of the mystery barge projects that had led to much speculation last year

Google scrapping barge project: reports

01 Aug 2014

UK Lords slam EU’s right-to-be-forgotten ruling

31 Jul 2014

A report by a committee of the House of Lords says the EU’s “right to be forgotten” ruling was “unworkable, unreasonable, and wrong in principle”