
Google to newscast live election results on YouTube

14 May 2014

Google could influence Indian poll results, says study

13 May 2014

A recent study conducted in India showed that the preferences of undecided voters can be shifted by 15 per cent or more toward one candidate or another by manipulating online search rankings associated with each candidate

Oracle wins suit against Google over Java APIs

10 May 2014

Oracle wins a landmark battle against Google as a US appeals court allows it to copyright parts of the Java programming language, which Google has used to design its Android smartphone operating system

Google acquires UK start-up retail forecaster Rangespan

05 May 2014

Google sued for pacts with manufacturers that drive up cost of devices

02 May 2014

Google’s self driving cars take to city traffic

29 Apr 2014

Security experts warn of bitcoin mining malware

26 Apr 2014

And Then

25 Apr 2014

Google+ creator Vic Gundotra exits after 8-year stint

25 Apr 2014

Vivek "Vic" Gundotra, is leaving the company after an eight-year stint as the head of Google+, thye search giant's social network, which he created

Google Glass puts the focus on Parkinson's

21 Apr 2014

Experts at Newcastle University are investigating Google Glass as an assistive aid to help people with Parkinson’s retain their independence for longer

European Media mogul questions Google’s business model

21 Apr 2014

Mathias Döpfner, CEO of German publisher Axel Springer SE, has warned Google in a letter that in the history of economics, monopolies did not survive long

Google adds Lens Blur to Google Camera app

17 Apr 2014

Google files patent for contact lenses with tiny cameras

16 Apr 2014

Google has claimed patent for a technology that envisages smart contact lenses equipped with tiny cameras

Google admits to using readers’ mail

16 Apr 2014

Google has amended its service terms to clarify thatall emails stored on its servers were analysed, including incoming and outgoing emails, to provide users with "personally relevant product features"

Google acquires solar-powered drone maker Titan Aerospace

15 Apr 2014

Google yesterday acquired solar-powered drone maker Titan Aerospace as part of its plans to beam internet from space to two-thirds of the global population that currently has no web access

Fake paid app tops sales at Goolge Play Store

08 Apr 2014

Google launches ‘Know your candidates tool’

08 Apr 2014

Google plans to emerge as MVNO: Report

07 Apr 2014

US media reports said Google has plans for its own wireless network that customers would use to make calls, send texts and browse the web on their mobiles

US district court okays employee lawsuit against tech firms

29 Mar 2014

The class-action lawsuit accused the companies of a conspiracy to eliminate competitive hiring and keeping wages artificially low

Competition panel slaps Rs1-cr fine on Google for non-cooperation in probe

28 Mar 2014

The Competition Commission of India fined Google Rs1 crore for failing to supply information and documents pertaining to its alleged misuse of dominance in online search and search-related advertising markets

Gmail testing Pinterest-style makeover for messages with Promotions tab

27 Mar 2014

UK advertising regulator, ASA clears Microsoft ad targeting Gmail privacy standard

26 Mar 2014

Google, Luxottica in deal to manuacture Google Glass eyewear

25 Mar 2014

The deal will not only allow Google to mount its device on Luxottica glasses, but get its innovative Glass to consumers through Luxottica’s extensive distribution chain

Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Apple claim right to access user accounts

24 Mar 2014

Google makes encryption mandatory in Gmail

21 Mar 2014