Defence general

UK to expand security, intelligence to thwart terrorist violence

16 Nov 2015

PM urges BRICS leaders for stronger global action against terror

16 Nov 2015

Paris attacks: choke terror funding, secure cyber space, Modi tellsG-20

Paris attacks: choke terror funding, secure cyber space, Modi tellsG-20

16 Nov 2015

Terrorism is a principle global challenge extracting a deadly price from regions in conflict to the streets of distant cities, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told leaders of the G-20 at a working dinner on Sunday

French warplanes strike ISIS caspital, Raqqa

French warplanes strike ISIS caspital, Raqqa

16 Nov 2015

A dozen warplanes pounded IS targets in its stronghold of Raqqa destroying a command post, jihadist recruitment centre, a munitions depot and a terrorist training camp

High alert in Mumbai as Paris attacks resemble 26/11

14 Nov 2015

US-backed Kurdish forces recapture Sinjar from IS

US-backed Kurdish forces recapture Sinjar from IS

14 Nov 2015

Kurdish forces backed by US air strikes seized the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar from Islamic State on Friday

IS executioner ‘Jihadi John’ killed in drone strike

14 Nov 2015

What to Expect After the Nov. 13 Paris Attacks

14 Nov 2015

As many as 60 people died on 13 November in multiple terrorist attacks throughout Paris. At least five gunmen – likely jihadists judging from witness's accounts – conducted the attacks. Republished with permission of Stratfor.

France under emergency: terrorists kill over 120 in multiple attacks

14 Nov 2015

Machinegun-toting terrorists, many with explosives strapped to their bodies, gunned down people at several venues in central Paris, including a stadium where President Hollande was watching a football match

Parrikar sees political angle in OROP dissatisfaction

14 Nov 2015

US flies B-52 bombers close to islands made by China

13 Nov 2015

OROP issue still explosive, say armed forces veterans

12 Nov 2015

IS militants hack Twitter accounts of thousands in revenge for killing of top hacker

10 Nov 2015

OROP implemented but objections remain

OROP implemented but objections remain

09 Nov 2015

Rejecting objections against the One Rank One Pension scheme for armed forces veterans, defence minister Manohar Parrikar today said that it was impossible to satisfy the expectations of everyone

Fifth test-firing of Agni-IV missile goes sans hitch

09 Nov 2015

Brahmos missile successfully tested in land mode

09 Nov 2015

Boeing, Lockheed protest Pentagon’s award of stealth bomber contract to Northrop

Boeing, Lockheed protest Pentagon’s award of stealth bomber contract to Northrop

07 Nov 2015

Last week, Northrop, the maker of the stealth B-2 bomber, was awarded a multi-billion dollar contract to develop and build the new bomber

Israel blasts Palestine allegation of harvesting body parts

07 Nov 2015

Russian airliner crash: search continues, IS claims downplayed

02 Nov 2015

Both Cairo and Moscow have virtually dismissed the claim by Egypt's IS branch that it had brought down the aircraft

Obama sending US special forces to advise Syrian rebels

Obama sending US special forces to advise Syrian rebels

31 Oct 2015

The planned deployment could further complicate an already volatile conflict in Syria, where Russia and Iran have increased their military support for President Bashar al-Assad's fight against US-backed rebels

China spurns arbitration court ruling

31 Oct 2015

China warns US of sparking war in South China Sea

China warns US of sparking war in South China Sea

31 Oct 2015

China's top naval commander has told his US counterpart that a minor incident could spark war in the South China Sea if the United States did not stop its "provocative acts" in the disputed seaway

Indian forces kill Top LeT terrorist Abu Quasim

30 Oct 2015

MI5 chief warns of mass-casualty IS attacks in UK

29 Oct 2015

US Air Force awards $80 bn stealth bomber contract to Northrop Grumman

28 Oct 2015

Business History Videos

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If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

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History of Trams in India | ...

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