World economy

China, US agree on phased tariff cuts in interim trade deal

China, US agree on phased tariff cuts in interim trade deal

08 Nov 2019

Under the interim trade deal the US is expected to scrap tariffs scheduled on about $156 billion worth of Chinese imports, including cell phones, laptop computers and toys, while China would buy up to $50 billion of American farm goods

US Fed cuts rates further to 1.5-1.75% to support expansion

US Fed cuts rates further to 1.5-1.75% to support expansion

31 Oct 2019

FOMC said the move is consistent with its statutory mandate to foster maximum employment and price stability, but signalled its rate-cut cycle might take a pause

Relief for PM Boris Johnson as MPs vote for 12 Dec election

Relief for PM Boris Johnson as MPs vote for 12 Dec election

30 Oct 2019

The House of Commons approved the bill by a margin of 430 to 20, paving the way for the general election ahead of the extended Brexit deadline of 31 January

PM Johnson accepts Brexit delay after failed election push

PM Johnson accepts Brexit delay after failed election push

29 Oct 2019

Johnson will respond to the EU’s delay offer once he has reviewed the details, his spokesman said on Monday

Canada’s Justin Trudeau set to remain in power, sans majority

Canada’s Justin Trudeau set to remain in power, sans majority

22 Oct 2019

Should Trudeau fail to win a majority in Parliament, he will have to seek support of smaller parties like the Green Party and the New Democratic Party, led by Jagmeet Singh

Johnson sends unsigned letter to EU seeking Brexit delay as MPs reject deal

21 Oct 2019

EU, Britain finalise new Brexit deal; over to parliament now

EU, Britain finalise new Brexit deal; over to parliament now

18 Oct 2019

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is taking the accord to parliament on Saturday, where skeptical parliamentarians and opposition from the Irish Democratic Unionist Party could still stall Brexit

Britain, European Union reach new Brexit deal

Britain, European Union reach new Brexit deal

17 Oct 2019

The deal still needs to finetune customs and sales tax regulations to manage trade in goods between Northern Ireland and Ireland while Prime Minister Johnson also needs to push any deal past a deeply divided Parliament after it rejected a previous deal three times

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer share Economics Nobel

Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer share Economics Nobel

14 Oct 2019

The Laureates’ research findings – and those of the researchers following in their footsteps – have dramatically improved our ability to fight poverty in practice, the according to the Nobel Prize Committee

Chinese President Xi Jinping woos Nepal with pledge of Rs3,493-cr aid

14 Oct 2019

Britain threatens EU with a “nasty” exit

09 Oct 2019

US extends tariff war with EU to planes, cheese and whisky

US extends tariff war with EU to planes, cheese and whisky

04 Oct 2019

The United States on Wednesday said it would slap 10 per cent tariff on European-made Airbus aircraft and 25 per cent duties on French wine, Scotch and Irish whiskies, and cheese from across the continent after the World Trade Organisation gave Washington a green light to impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of EU goods annually in a long-running case

Technology will spur India's growth: WEF president

03 Oct 2019

India-US trade deal has to evolve: Piyush Goyal

India-US trade deal has to evolve: Piyush Goyal

03 Oct 2019

While both countries do not see any structural issues, there are conflicting interests of bringing down trade deficits and protectionist trade policies that hamper a trade deal

Former French president Jacques Chirac dies at 86

Former French president Jacques Chirac dies at 86

27 Sep 2019

Chirac, like Charles de Gaulle, ably presided over a state in which power was divided between the left and the right even as he championed the cause of a stronger European Union

US Fed cuts interest rate for second time in a row

US Fed cuts interest rate for second time in a row

20 Sep 2019

The US central bank is reported to have injected a total of $203 billion into markets - $75 billion each on Wednesday and Thursday, and $53 billion on Tuesday

Taliban seeks Russia’s support to force US out of Afghanistan!

16 Sep 2019

ECB cuts rates by 10 bps; announces new stimulus plan

ECB cuts rates by 10 bps; announces new stimulus plan

13 Sep 2019

The ECB’s announcement pushed the euro down sharply against the dollar, with the European common currency hitting its lowest level in more than two years, before recovering all losses as market started doubting the central bank’s new bond-buying plan

China, US relent on tariff plans to ease trade tensions

China, US relent on tariff plans to ease trade tensions

13 Sep 2019

While China announced tariff exemption for 16 US products and US delayed a planned tariff hike on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods, there are still many uncertainties in the coming trade talks, including Beijing’s reluctance to change laws to address US complaints

New US Supreme Court ruling allows Trump to block asylum to many

New US Supreme Court ruling allows Trump to block asylum to many

12 Sep 2019

The Trump administration issued the rule in an attempt to block hoards of immigrants from countries like El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala from entering the United States as asylum seekers after crossing through Mexico, while keeping asylum protection for Mexican citizens

British PM Johnson sticks to no-deal Brexit

British PM Johnson sticks to no-deal Brexit

10 Sep 2019

Johnson decided to overlook a legislation passed by parliament demanding that he delay Brexit unless he strikes a new agreement and insisted that Brexit would happen by that date, "no ifs and buts"

UK PM Boris Johnson loses majority as MP defects to defeat no-deal Brexit

UK PM Boris Johnson loses majority as MP defects to defeat no-deal Brexit

04 Sep 2019

EU leaders have refused to reopen the current Brexit deal or abandon it, but Johnson insists that a credible threat to walk away from the European Union will help secure a new deal

US expands Huawei affiliates list to 46, narrows exemptions

19 Aug 2019

Myanmar, Bangladesh agree to start Rohingya repatriation next week: report

19 Aug 2019

Major trading nations feel the heat of China-US trade spat

Major trading nations feel the heat of China-US trade spat

16 Aug 2019

The sluggish global trade hit Singapore’s gross domestic product the most as the city-state is more dependent on international trade than domestic economy

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