World economy

Major trading nations feel the heat of China-US trade spat

Major trading nations feel the heat of China-US trade spat

16 Aug 2019

The sluggish global trade hit Singapore’s gross domestic product the most as the city-state is more dependent on international trade than domestic economy

China’s per capita income surged nearly 60 times in 70 years

16 Aug 2019

US Fed cuts policy rate by 25 bps to 2-2.25%

US Fed cuts policy rate by 25 bps to 2-2.25%

01 Aug 2019

While the rate cut was widely expected by markets, comments by Fed Chairman Jeremy Powell that the rate cut was only a “mid-cycle adjustment to policy”, only helped to boost the value of the dollar

US economic growth slows to 2.1% in April-June 2019

29 Jul 2019

`No-Deal Brexit' could lead to United Ireland, says Irish PM Leo Varadkar

29 Jul 2019

Britain ramps up preparations for no-deal Brexit

Britain ramps up preparations for no-deal Brexit

29 Jul 2019

The problem with Brexit is that neither Ireland, nor the EU wants Britain to crash out of a customs union and leave a hard border between EU-member Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland

The $100 bill overtakes $1 bill as the largest circulating US currency

26 Jul 2019

CIT leads $204.5 million financing for 200-MW Texas solar project

25 Jul 2019

Boris Johnson to take over as British PM

Boris Johnson to take over as British PM

24 Jul 2019

The Guardian described Boris Johnson as "someone who could easily be rejected as a `Guess Who’ character for looking too ridiculous to lead the country... a man whose DNA profile is the exact same as a Bernard Manning joke... "the clown is crowned as the country burns in hell”

World Bank ends financing of Amravathi project as Delhi backs out

19 Jul 2019

At least 33 killed in Japan as man sets 3-storey animation studio on fire

18 Jul 2019

IMF backs Trump’s claim of `overvalued’ dollar, amidst trade tensions

IMF backs Trump’s claim of `overvalued’ dollar, amidst trade tensions

18 Jul 2019

The IMF’s External Sector Report said the euro's real effective exchange rate was 8 per cent to 18 per cent too low for Germany's fundamentals while China's yuan showed wide divergences from an 11.5 per cent undervaluation to an 8.5 per cent overvaluation due to uncertainties over Beijing's policy outlook

Trump looking to oust commerce secretary Wilbur Ross: report

15 Jul 2019

Chinese companies to build 100-km Tallinn-Helsinki train tunnel

Chinese companies to build 100-km Tallinn-Helsinki train tunnel

12 Jul 2019

The $16.8 billion project, once completed, would help cut down travel time between the two capitals to 20 minutes from the 3-hour ferry ride at present and give a big boost to China’s Belt and Road initiative

Indonesia to build 7-km bridge linking islands near Singapore

Indonesia to build 7-km bridge linking islands near Singapore

11 Jul 2019

President Joko Widodo’s plan is to market Batam, an island closer to Singapore’s Changi airport and the only free trade zone in Indonesia, to investors looking to relocate factories out of China amid a raging trade war between Beijing and Washington

US House passes bill to lift 7% country cap on Green Card

US House passes bill to lift 7% country cap on Green Card

11 Jul 2019

Indian professionals, being larger in numbers, have a waiting period is more than 10 years and this may go up to 70 years for those on the H1-B visa, as per some recent studies

Fed chief Powell’s comments on trade woes hammer dollar

10 Jul 2019

Ghana to host African Continental Free Trade Association

Ghana to host African Continental Free Trade Association

08 Jul 2019

Leaders at the African Union summit in Niger announced the launch of the 55-nation trade bloc that would bring together 1.3 billion people and create a $3.4 trillion economic powerhouse

Donald Trump Korea's Kim Jong Un meet at demilitarised border

01 Jul 2019

Trump lifts ban on Huawei sales, but keeps it in negative list

Trump lifts ban on Huawei sales, but keeps it in negative list

01 Jul 2019

Addressing a press conference on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, US President Donald Trump said the lifting the ban on Huawei would be part of a larger trade deal with China

Modi, Xi, Putin to meet in Osaka to add muscle to RIC

24 Jun 2019

US sets up 26-member presidential advisory council to push Africa business

21 Jun 2019

PM stresses states’ role in India’s march towards $5 trillon economy

PM stresses states’ role in India’s march towards $5 trillon economy

17 Jun 2019

He said a thrust on export promotion at the state level will provide a boost to both income and employment

G20: India seeks reciprocal market access for its products

G20: India seeks reciprocal market access for its products

10 Jun 2019

Commerce and industry minister attending the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Investment and Digital Economy in Japan held bilateral meetings with a number of countries on the sidelines of the main event

US tightens curbs on Cuba, imposes new travel and trade restriction

06 Jun 2019

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

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History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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