
eBay to open physical outlet in West End

eBay to open physical outlet in West End

19 Nov 2011

The new eBay store will be Britain's first to be powered by Quick Response codes, where shoppers simply scan an item with their Smartphone to buy it online.

Google makes late entry into online music market

Google makes late entry into online music market

17 Nov 2011

Google Inc yesterday entered the online music market - almost a decade behind Apple Inc, the largest seller of songs on the web

Groupon raises $700 mn; valuation rises to $12.7-bn

04 Nov 2011

Online shopping accounts for a tenth of total shopping in Britain

21 Oct 2011

European Court of Justice delivers a blow to stem cell research

European Court of Justice delivers a blow to stem cell research

19 Oct 2011

The ruling does not prevent scientists experimenting with cells plucked from human embryos, which destroys the embryo, but removes a key commercial incentive for biotech and pharma companies for supporting stem-cell research.

Online shopping more popular among Britons

18 Oct 2011

PayPal to announce new service aimed at easier access for online shoppers

PayPal to announce new service aimed at easier access for online shoppers

12 Oct 2011

PayPal, eBay's online payment service, plans to announce a new service that would make for easier online shopping and cut down on the number of accounts consumers had to create with various web retailers

Amazon agrees to collect tax on sales in Tennessee from January 2014

07 Oct 2011

India to be among top 10 e-commerce hubs in the world by 2015: eBay

04 Oct 2011

Alibaba to offer shares of HiChina group

26 Sep 2011

Google launches Google Local Shopping in Japan

16 Sep 2011

SoftBank Corp invests $200mn in InMobi

16 Sep 2011

First auction of Bellary iron ore to begin on 14 September

12 Sep 2011

Amazon gets reprieve on sales tax collections in California

10 Sep 2011

Internet, supermarkets killing off UK's bookshops

03 Sep 2011

Waiting for Amazon's big-splash entry into India

Waiting for Amazon's big-splash entry into India

29 Aug 2011

Speculation has been rife over the past few weeks that giant online retailer Amazon, which has a market capitalisation of $100 billion, plans to offer its services in India in 2012

Domino’s launches online ordering service

26 Aug 2011

Co-optex plans to enter online retailing

09 Aug 2011

ValueClick to buy display advertising company Dotomi for $295 million

04 Aug 2011

Google buys Dealmap to take on Groupon

03 Aug 2011

Global mobile payment users to surpass 141.1 million in 2011: Gartner

21 Jul 2011

Mobile payment, transactions to touch $350-bn by 2015: study

Mobile payment, transactions to touch $350-bn by 2015: study

14 Jul 2011

Mobile phones are now poised to usher in mobile money as an everyday form of currency in India, with $350 billion of payments and banking transactions flowing through them by 2015

Online shopping sites liable for trademark abuse: EU court

12 Jul 2011

Internet marketing: optimising search results

Internet marketing: optimising search results

09 Jul 2011

In the concluding part of her two-part series on optimising internet marketing tools, Amy Muncie, president of b2b consulting firm, ALM Communications, shares some further advice

Internet marketing: the myths and the reality

Internet marketing: the myths and the reality

08 Jul 2011

Internet marketing is now recognised as an essential tool for any firm seeking growth; but there is much muddled thinking about the concept. Amy Munice, president of b2b consulting firm, ALM Communications, dispels some myths and provides some pointers 

Business History Videos

History of hovercraft Part 3...

Today I shall talk a bit more about the military plans for ...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of hovercraft Part 2...

In this episode of our history of hovercraft, we shall exam...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Hovercraft Part 1...

If you’ve been a James Bond movie fan, you may recall seein...

By Kiron Kasbekar | Presenter: Kiron Kasbekar

History of Trams in India | ...

The video I am presenting to you is based on a script writt...

By Aniket Gupta | Presenter: Sheetal Gaikwad

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