Advertising / branding
IAB launches principles for online advertisers
07 Mar 2009
Google expands its AdSense with expandable ads
07 Mar 2009
Expandable ad units start out as banners or square ads and launch larger ads that cover much of the web site's content when a user clicks on it
‘Quality of feedback is the key’
05 Mar 2009
The importance of online advertising is growing steadily, especially as the recession hits other modes of reaching clients. Uma Sivakumar, head of online services for the web solutions provider Tribal DDB India, shares her views on the effectiveness of this medium with Aruna Rathod
ZillionTV enables viewers to earn from watching TV ads
05 Mar 2009
The system features a rewards programme: the more commercials one watches, the more points one earns.
Google and Yahoo set guidelines in Britain
04 Mar 2009
Google and Yahoo set guidelines in Britain
04 Mar 2009
Google and Yahoo set guidelines in Britain
04 Mar 2009
Webchutney launches mobile marketing arm
02 Mar 2009
Google News searches to show advertisements
28 Feb 2009
CNN International in global sonsorship deal with Suzlon Energy
27 Feb 2009
India’s largest wind turbine manufacturer, Suzlon, is building its brand globally to to embody sustainable living through a global sponsorship of CNN's environmental programmes